Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rachel Maddow sued by homophobe for $50 million and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Maddow Sued For $50 Million By Bachmann Buddy Bradlee Dean. Allegedly. - This ought to be a fun lawsuit.

AFA lets the people vote; people don't want to - See what happens when the American Family Association doesn't slant its poll.

Nimocks: Bans on Interracial Marriage Were Wrong Because They're Discriminatory, But Bans on Same-Sex Marriage A.O.K. - Hold on to your stomach. He actually said something about "marriage uniting the great halves of humanity." Geez!
Anti-Gay Christian Groups Can No Longer Profit Off Apple - Some good news!

Conservative Columnist Dismantles NOM’s New York Campaign: A “Futile Venture” - Ouch!

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1 comment:

  1. After listening to this Dean character - I feel physically ill!! He is making up statistics and saying "crimes against nature"!! He is a crime against HUMANITY!! He ranks up there with the preacher who said Hitler was sent by God to kill Jews! And that caller - WHAT A ignorant BIGOT!! To steal one from Bill Maher - “If you’re a Christian and support killing your enemies and torture, you have to come up with a new name for yourself.”
