Monday, August 22, 2011

American bigots causing problems in Africa and other Monday midday news briefs

Ugandan Cabinet “Throws Out” Anti-Homosexuality Bill, But Parliament Presses Ahead - These fools are determined to push this awful bill.

CAMEROON: 2 Gay Youth Arrested for "Looking Feminine", Tortured - Meanwhile in another part of Africa . . .

But those two stories are just a prelude. You wanna know what's probably causing this mess:

American Anti-Gay Campaign in Africa Opposes "Fictitious Sexual Rights" - There you go. Having probably lost the war against gay equality in America, these folks are moving to Africa to exploit fear, religious beliefs, and basic homophobia - with "successful" results.

Study: highest percentage of SC gay couples live in Myrtle Beach - And of course some SC public official will find a way of ignoring these couple and their families.

Top Eight Pro-LGBT Arguments In The Obama Administration’s Anti-DOMA Brief - It's nice to see the Obama Administration doing the right thing.

Harvey: Close Down Gay Bars - This is after Harvey called for schools to ban gay and lesbian teachers. I hear that next she wants to order the government to build walls and walls of closets to keep us in our places.

BREAKING: Sen. Udall comes out for marriage equality - So that you don't think that all I post is dire news, check out this from Colorado Senator Udall. This is an excellent bit of news.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    2 Gay Youth Arrested for "Looking Feminine"

    THIS is what happens when fear rules the people. When people are so scared of the "gay agenda," that they'll point fingers at each other of being gay, regardless of the person's actual sexuality. The fact that they had to get one of them to confess to being a homosexual (Salem witch trials, anyone?) proves how blind they are by their own damn fear.
    This is is also why homophobia must be erased, otherwise, as I said earlier, we'll live in a world where people will be tortured or even killed not necessarily for BEING gay, but because they are ASUUMED to be gay.

    Fear should have no place in civilized society, because all it does it cause more destruction the what is supposed to be feared. Not that homosexuality is something to be afraid of, which makes the situation even worse.
