Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Family Research Council shows hypocrisy with attack on Biden

No matter what the subject is, one can always count on the Family Research Council to show itself as a hypocritical organization.

In this case, it is the recent controversy involving the debt ceiling. The following came from an FRC email:

It was the deficit of diplomacy in the Vice President's office that did. Yesterday, during a closed door meeting with Democrats, Biden (who is no stranger to public embarrassment) reportedly accused the Tea Party of acting "like terrorists" in the debt debate.

 . . . For months, liberals have been using labels to marginalize groups that threaten their radical agenda. This unfortunate incident is just an extension of that "define and destroy" mentality. As FRC witnessed first-hand, the Left will try to silence anyone it deems effective. After last November, liberals are desperate to marginalize the Tea Party like they tried to marginalize FRC by calling us a "hate group." While the tactic may snag headlines, it won't win elections. In fact, this is exactly the kind of elementary school name-calling that the public is fed up with. It's the kind of discourse, as pointed out in this week's Pew poll, that Americans find "ridiculous," "disgusting," "stupid," and "lousy."

First of all, for FRC is criticize Biden for comparing the Republicans to terrorist is the height of irony seeing that FRC head Tony Perkins compared the gay community to terrorists in April. He did this in response to the law firm King & Spalding dropping its defense of the Defense of Marriage Act:

This has moved from cultural terrorism to corporate terrorism. That's what this is. Now, back in the 80's and early 90's I worked with the state department in anti-terrorism and we trained about fifty different countries in defending against terrorism, and it's, at its base, what terrorism is, it's a strike against the general populace simply to spread fear and intimidation so that they can disrupt and destabilize the system of government. That's what the homosexuals are doing here to the legal system.

And now the Pew Research Group can count themselves as one of the groups whose work has been distorted by religious right groups like FRC.

The statement by FRC: It's the kind of discourse, as pointed out in this week's Pew poll, that Americans find "ridiculous," "disgusting," "stupid," and "lousy. is inaccurate.

According to the study,  the responses had to do with how the public felt about the budget negotiations as a whole.

Also, I found it hilarious that yet again FRC took the time to make yet another attempted swipe at the Southern Poverty Law Center for designating it as a hate group while at the same time engaging in the slight of hand distortions and propaganda techniques which led SPLC to give it that designation in the first place.

Apparently FRC seems to think that it owns the exclusive rights to not only the words "values," "morality," and "family," but also to the word "terrorists."

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