Thursday, August 18, 2011

NOM's fundraising claims sound fishy and other Thursday midday news briefs

Bachmann Staffer’s Ties To Uganda’s ‘Kill-Gays’ Bill - Why oh why am I not surprised over this one?

NOM's 'Let the People Vote' effort has hauled in 4.5 million. At least that's what Brian Brown's spinoff site says - You can't get me drunk or high enough to think that this is legitimate.

First Circuit Rejects Anti-Gay Group’s Assault On Campaign Finance Disclosure Laws - Especially in light of this.

Dan Savage on Obama - Don't quote me but I'm starting to like Dan Savage more and more. Now don't say anything to screw it up, Dan. LOL

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Alvin I'm sure I don't need to tell you that GWM can still get away with what POC can't because people will yell "Race Card".

    I do not believe that you are easily intimidated. What is it that makes it not worth it?

    If POC don't call us GWM on our bullshit, we probably won't stop doing it. Some of us thank you already. We've got your back and not in a hot gay sex way.
