Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hate group urging ice cream boycott and other Tuesday midday news briefs

Schweddy Balls Make AFA Squirm - The irony is delicious. At the same time homophobic groups are whining that gays are complaining to Paypal about the anti-gay hate groups using its services, the American Family Association is urging a boycott of Ben&Jerry's ice cream simply because the name of a flavor - which will send sales through the roof.

Using board to build cross: Chino Valley official seeks 'Godly' teaching, shunning of 'certain lifestyles' - This would be funny if it weren't so mean-spirited. Apparently one of the things this man has a problem with is "children who make two Mother's Day or two Father's Day cards during the holidays." How dare a child talk about his or her same-sex family!

Obama Celebrates End Of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Praises Gay Soldiers - It's a good day for us all!

Mainstream Christians Must Stand Up to the Religious Right - And I hope they do it soon.

Bad Medicine: Fox News Physicians Are A Prescription For Misinformation, Scientific And Otherwise - Apparently Keith Ablow's attack on Chaz Bono only scratches the surface when it comes to bad physicians on Fox.

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1 comment:

  1. Mary O'Grady12:11 PM

    Bravo, American Family Association! This means more Ben & Jerry's for my friends and me.
