Friday, October 28, 2011

'Catholic Bishops worry about being thought of as bigots' and other Friday midday news briefs

Catholic Bishops Fear That Support For DOMA May Mark Them As Bigots - Not with just DOMA but all laws and potential amendments outlawing marriage equality. Here is a tip - if you don't want to be thought of as bigots, then maybe it's not a good idea to team up with groups who claim that gays rape children, have sex with animals, and eat bodily wastes - that one was for you, Archbishop Nienstedt.

LGBT: Domestic Violence Became Even Greater Problem Last Year - BEFORE the religious right distorts this news - and they will - read the entire post. Domestic violence is not indicative of gay relationships any more than it is indicative of heterosexual relationships.

Gillibrand: Open Adoption To Gays, Lesbians - Way to lead on this issue, Senator Gillibrand!

Liberty Counsel: SPLC Doing To Us Just What Nazis Did To Jews
- Sorry guys, but your claims are trash and you yourself provide all of the proof we need for that.

NC NAACP President to present open letter against anti-LGBT constitutional amendment at Equality NC’s Conference Keynote Panel - Excellent news. However, I am sure that there will be a group of bought-and-paid-for, I mean "concerned pastors and black leaders" who will try to count this.

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1 comment:

  1. I remember when I saw that report as well, I was amazed at the percentage of abuse cases that were same-sex. On reading the actual report, though, this caught my eye: "In addition, certain NCAVP members have more capacity to collect data, conduct outreach, and educate, and inform LGBTQH survivors of their services, thereby increasing reporting. In particular, the Los
    Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center’s data accounts for 3,350 of the 5,052 total survivors reporting to NCAVP. This gives LAGLC’s data a substantial role in all the major trends we see in this report."

    Awaiting the next right-wing nutjobs to use a report with an (understandable) immense convenience sample to try and claim gays are beating the crap out of each other.
