Thursday, October 20, 2011

'Fox News declaring war of misinformation on transgender child ' and other Thursday midday news briefs

Fox News, Keith Ablow Misinform About Transgender Child - It's like I've been saying. Sooner or later Fox News will turn its guns of misinformation fully on the gay community. Can you picture a future where the network conducts a one-sided interview with Peter Sprig on his junk science studies or pushing the phony idea that Paul Cameron is a "victim" of the gay community? This is merely cocktail canape right now.

‘Morning Joe’ Slams Herman Cain For Claiming That Being Gay Is A ‘Choice’ - Herman Cain is the perfect religious right candidate. He asks for proof that would refute his claims and when he receives the proof, he claims that he didn't hear it.

PFOX caught in yet another spinjob; also, grass still green - When I first saw this, I was about to go into ORBIT! Thank you Jeremy Hooper for showing PFOX's claim to be a lie. Giving FRC's Peter Sprigg "special thanks" for serving on a school board is like giving a wolf an award for quickly killing a lamb before eating it.

Gay vandalism claim likely a hoax - Was Porno Pete's claim of a vandalism a hoax or not? Box Turtle Bulletin weighs in.

Once Upon A Time, Barber Called For The "Repeal Of All State And Federal Hate-Crimes Laws" - And speaking of said claim, Matt Barber isn't wasting any time milking it by calling for it to be prosecuted under laws that he didn't necessarily agree with a while back.

UPDATE: Tenn. School Will Permit Pro-GSA T-Shirts After Principal Reportedly Harassed Student - A bit of good news for Spirit Day.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, you can even hear the disgust that the fox news hostand ablow hold towards this poor child who only wants to be who she is inside.

    I swear these people are going to send us to camps if they end up in power.
