Thursday, October 27, 2011

Gay student viciously brutalized on video. Where the $#! is HIS anti-defamation alliance?

For all of those "people" who will defend teachers who attack gay students and same-sex families, for all of those "people" who will engage in an extreme media blitz to obscure a situation involving a student possibly harassing a gay teacher, this video is a reminder on who the real victims are. When you defend things which fosters ignorance, situations like this are expected to occur. Where is this young man's defense fund?:

More information about this situation on Towleroad.

In other news:

SLDN Files DOMA Challenge, Seeking Equal Benefits for Same-Sex Military Spouses - Good news.

Linda Harvey: I Should Sue Wayne Besen - I WISH she would. I really do. I got so much stuff in my "Linda Harvey archives" which needs to be used.

Guest column by Ron Hill: Feds Help Anti-Gay Hate Groups Raise Cash - A post for the ignorant people who say that we shouldn't give any of the religious right groups attention.

Illinois Republican Senators Unanimously Support Discrimination Against Same-Sex Couples - How long will it take for NOM to trumpet this futile gesture while ignoring the pictures it stole?

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  1. Oh wow, he was suspended for THREE WHOLE DAYS. If this is someone being beaten for being black or jewish, we don't even think about it the attacker is expelled immediatly.

    Im sure that the school wont even take measures to separate them, and im even more sure that this will continue to happen to this poor boy unless something positive is done to that environment.

    Im so sick of seeing this constantly, and yet the Right seems too think that WE are the ones attacking them. its disgusting, and infuriating, and these children and their parents should be ashamed of themselfs.

    Thank you for bringing this to attention Alvin

  2. Why haven't hate crime charges been filed against the bully who assaulted this young man?
