Monday, October 31, 2011

'NOM's 'victim' coming up short' and other Monday midday news briefs

Rick Perry Endorses New Hampshire’s Marriage Repeal Effort During Awkward Speech To Anti-Gay Group - I don't think folks really care about the speech, but rather than did Perry "indulge" before making the speech.

Charges Dropped Against Pastor Linked To Miller Kidnapping - Keep your eyes on this one my friends. Someone is about to sing like a canary and I don't think that the religious right will like his tune.

Belforti and willing allies continue to feign ignorance towards obvious - If you can't do your elected job, then you need to resign. Period. You are NOT a victim no matter how NOM tries to make you one.

Ex-Gay Therapist Offers Duplicitous ‘Apology’ To Attract New Gay Clients To Harmful Treatment - Richard Cohen is the only member of the religious right who honestly freaks me out.

Report: Fox News Downplays Stories About Anti-LGBT Bullying, Suicide - And we are surprised? Why?

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1 comment:

  1. Richard Cohen just wants you to hold him tenderly in a completely heterosexual way that any two adult men should.
