Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Please forgive me Mr. Rick Santorum for not feeling sorry for you

Rick Santorum feels like he has been bullied by a recent episode of Saturday Night Live which made fun of his run for president:

Santorum -- depicted by actor Andy Samberg in the sketch, titled "Yet Another GOP Debate" -- suggested that the segment was "bullying" during an interview with New Hampshire radio station WGIR on Sunday. The former Pennsylvania senator said he had been "hammered" by "the left" for his support of conservative principles.

"The left, unfortunately, participates in bullying more than the right does," Santorum said. "They say that they’re tolerant, and they’re anything but tolerant of people who disagree with them and support traditional values."

I don't feel the least bit sorry for Santorum. He is a public figure which makes him a target for comedians. Over the years SNL has made fun of  many public figures from President Obama to Star Jones.

And when Santorum acts like he is Joan of Arc at the stake, it makes it harder for me to sympathize with what a mockery his name has become.

Yesterday, another child committed suicide because he couldn't deal with the bullying which comes with being openly gay.

And unfortunately he is the latest in a long line of children who feel that there will not be a better tomorrow for them because of the ignorance of others.

I hate that. Any decent person would hate that. Any decent Christian would hate that.

So you will have to forgive me if I don't feel sorry for you, Mr. Santorum.  You are a self-righteous phony who deserves every bit of mockery rained down upon you.

In the early days of Christianity, their oppressors crucified them, fed them to lions, and burned them like torches. Somehow, I don't think that being made fun of by a late-night comedy show compares to these atrocities.

Mr. Santorum, you are not being bullied. Your ignorance is indicative of the reasons why others think its okay to bully.

So please get over yourself and stop acting like a straight-up BIYAAAATCH.

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  1. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Gee, I really don't understand why he's so low in the polls. Don't the American people want a whiny crybaby as their leader?

  2. Another sign of how the rightwing has lost any semblance of sanity is their constant mantra that they are victims. After all the outrageous venom that they spew against President Obama, against gays and lesbians, against "socialists," and anyone else who stands in their way, it takes a peculiar brand of detachment from reality for them to say that the left engages in more bullying than they do. A whiny crybaby indeed.

  3. Donny D.6:35 PM

    Santorum is so stuck in a Religious Right frame of mind that he mindlessly applies its tactics, including petty claims of persecution by "the left" and "gay activists", even though they are useful for Religious Right fundraising, not running for president. He's too thick-witted to perceive that they aren't working for him, and haven't been for some time now, if ever.

  4. Why not? We already have a crybaby as Speaker of the house!
