Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A blogger too obnoxious for NOM?

From Equality Matters comes a shocker - blogger too obnoxious for even the National Organization for Marriage:

Over the past two weeks, Equality Matters has told you about a number of outrageous comments made by Ari Mendelson, a blogger for the National Organization for Marriage’s (NOM) Ruth Institute.

On November 14, Mendelson ranted against LGBT-inclusive curricula in California public schools, writing that the “ENTIRE STATE has had its public schools ruined” by “LGBT propaganda.”

On November 17, Mendelson  promoted a column calling gay activists “more loathsome” than “jihadi terrorists” and warning that gay activists “should not be able to go out in the streets for fear of being spat upon by decent people.”

Today, the Ruth Institute announced that it would “no longer allow Ari to have posting privileges” on its blog, adding:
His sarcasm has gone over the line and we don’t care to be associated with it...  We will stick to reporting on all aspects of the marriage issue in a civil way.

The Ruth Institute taken away Mendelson's posting privileges and has eliminated several of his past posts, totally disassociating themselves from him.

I'm of the personal opinion that whatever reason Mendelson was dismissed, it had nothing to do with civility or any idea that the folks behind the Ruth Institute has developed a conscience. I'm sure that a personal argument fueled this.

And if you do think that a new found idea of civility is behind this controversy, Equality Matters wants you to think again:

Unfortunately for NOM, however, Mendelson’s hate-filled blog posts are just the tip of the iceberg.
Here’s just a sampling of less-than-"civil" anti-gay rhetoric being promoted at NOM’s Ruth Institute on a daily basis, none of it written by Mendelson:

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  1. Wow. That's like getting kicked out of a church for being too pious!

    I'm sure he can pick up a gig filling in or guest posting for Bryan Fischer, Porno Pete, or Scott Lively, etc.

  2. I wouldn't bet on Ari filling in for them....remember, he's Jewish! (I initially suspected it because of his name--my High School band teacher was Jewish and also named Mendelson--before recently confirming it.)
