Friday, November 18, 2011

Is NOM's newest fake victim hiding something?

The National Organization for Marriage has a new phony victim of the so-called gay plot to "silence Christians." And like their past other fake martyrs, his story is highly suspect.

If we are to believe the video, which I refuse to post to my blog (you can see it here if you like), Damian Goodard is a freelance sportscaster who was fired from Rogers Sportsnet (a Canadian company) earlier this year for allegedly tweeting against marriage equality.

Now some folks have been quick to point out that this has nothing to do with marriage equality in America. Of course the religious right combats that with the "slippery slope" argument. Others have said that this situation is a free speech issue. And that could be.

But then there is a third argument which needs to be explored.

According to Jeremy Hooper from, Sportstnet is saying that Goodard was fired for "a number of well-documented reasons" which the company will reveal should Goodard seek legal action. A representative of Sportsnet also said that Goodard is aware of those reasons.

As it is known, Goodard has not sought legal action.

And that leads me to ask, just what is he hiding?

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  1. He's either passive-aggressive or doesn't want to reveal that he might've harassed someone in the workplace.

  2. Mark C.11:41 PM

    Re: "Now some folks have been quick to point out that this has nothing to do with marriage equality in America." It actually has a lot to do with marriage equality in America, because his tweets were in response to American Sean Avery's video in support of American marriage equality during the campaign for marriage equality in the state of New York, U.S.A.

  3. His tweet also insulted thousands of legally married gay couples in Canada, saying that their marriages were not real. He sent the tweet from a computer that identified himself as an employee of Sportsnet. No wonder his employer was pissed.
