Thursday, November 17, 2011

The religious right never wants to talk about same-sex families

You want an idea of what's wrong with some folks when it comes to gay issues, check out this tantrum by minister Matthew Hagee:


Hagee - We are at a tipping point when the Church can watch the homosexual agenda be advanced in public schools and we sit back and whine about it. Recently the California legislature decided that homosexual history in America will be taught to kindergarteners; that will be happen next year in California. And the Church goes, ‘Oh, that’s so sad.’ No, it’s shameful. It’s shameful that the homosexuals can get a curriculum in the public schools and the children of God cannot. It’s shameful when they will work tirelessly, when they will act relentlessly, when they will not stop until their will is pressed upon the majority, and we the children of God who are called to be salt and called to be light will whine but we won’t overcome. You need to know the Church was not put on this planet to whine, we were placed here to win.

It's so easy to inflame people by implying that children "being taught how to be gay." Of course the bill, SB48, isn't as dire as Hagee makes it out to be. But why explain things in a truthful manner when you can get a better reaction by appealing to their ignorance, fear, and sense of entitlement all at the same time?

Mostly though, it's all about entitlement. When those in the religious right whine about the so-called gay agenda corrupting children, particularly in public schools, they always omit the fact that gay children attend public schools and that same-sex families have children attending public schools. They always omit that both of these groups deserve lesson plans which speak to them and their family situation.

And let's not be naive. That omission is intentional.

To Hagee and the audience which applauded his drivel, it will never be about us. To folks like Maggie Gallagher, Brian Brown, and Rick Santorum, the idea of family never includes us. And to organizations like NOM and the Family Research Council, ideas about improving marriage and family has nothing to do with our needs because to them, we are "pretend families."

When they rail against us, they are merely throwing tantrums because we aren't buying into their idea of  entitlement. And we should never. 

One more thing. The last time I checked, lgbtqs are also children of God. Apparently Hagee not only wants to excise the gay community from our rightful place in society, but also our rightful place in God's eyes.

Hat tip to  Right Wing Watch.

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  1. Why are you referring to her as Maggie Gallagher? Her name is Maggie Srivastav. Since she is a so-called proponent of "traditional" marriage she should be using her HUSBAND's last name.

  2. Anonymous6:04 AM

    "Recently the California legislature decided that homosexual history in America will be taught to kindergarteners..."

    You don't even have to ask which side is in-the-right when people like Hagee blatantly lie to manipulate their audience. When have kindergartners EVER been taught about historical figures, let alone gay ones? Either this so-called minister lacks the smallest amount of common sense, or he believes that God approves of liars. Neither choice is acceptable behavior from a man of the cloth.

  3. "It’s shameful that the homosexuals can get a curriculum in the public schools and the children of God cannot."

    School is a place for the teaching and learning of facts, Mr. Hagee. Your god does not fall into that category. If it did then your religion would be the only one out there.

    We know that Harvey Milk existed. That can be proven. The same cannot be said about Yawheh, or whatever your particular branch of Christianity (out of the 38,000 denominations of Christianity tat exist) calls it.
