Monday, November 21, 2011

Satan, pedophilia, the gay community, and other Monday midday news briefs

DeMint Accuses El Salvadorian Ambassador Of ‘Promoting The Homosexual Lifestyle’ - Ah yes Sen. Jim DeMint from my state of South Carolina. The man who is afraid of the possibility of a gay president. The man who attacks the idea of unmarried female and gay teachers. The man who is the single reason why I laugh when I am encouraged to call my Senators to get their support for pro-gay legislation. Seriously though, who uses the phrase "promoting the homosexual lifestyle" anymore?

Audio: NOM's 'marriage defamation' star spent weekend conflating homosexuality and pedophilia - Don't listen unless wanting to "purge."

NOM: Decriminalizing Gay Sex Helped Cause Penn State Scandal - Yep. THAT'S the ticket.

Whitemarsh passes human relations ordinance with ease - Some good news for a change.

Liberty Counsel: Satan Plants The Seed Of Homosexuality - Here we go again.

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  1. You asked, "Seriously though, who uses the phrase "promoting the homosexual lifestyle" anymore?"

    I'm afraid that there are still way too many haters and homophobes who use that phrase. I encounter them daily on several different forums. I suppose that it's possible they are all one or two people, changing names as they jump from forum to forum, but I really don't think so.

  2. DeMint is such a moron. He make SC look worse than it already does.
