Wednesday, December 07, 2011

'Fake Christians continue to show their true colors regarding gay persecution' and other Wednesday midday news briefs

The two items below are the examples of silly desperation. Neither Rick Perry nor Rick Santorum will ever get to the White House. In fact, their behavior on the campaign trail makes one wonder just how did they attain their original elected offices in the first place. They are both like a bad dancer who has tripped his way through a recital and now thinks of himself as a Baryshnikov.

The polite word to describe both Santorum and Perry is demagogue.

Perry Launches New Anti-Gay Ad In Iowa:

Santorum: Gays ‘Destabilize The Family’ When They Have Children ‘Through Technology’:

For the lgbtq community and our allies - NEVER get angry at the desperation of fools. Use their ignorance to further your cause. In other words, don't get angry. Get educated.

Hat tip to ThinkProgress.

In other news:

Obama, Clinton to world: Stop gay discrimination - Awesome article on the new Administration policy.

US Pushes Hard on LGBT Rights Around the World - A very good break down on what it all means. As Box Turtle Bulletin says, fasten your seat belts.

Religious Right Explodes over LGBT Rights Initiative - One would think that truly Christian people would stand AGAINST persecution and not for it. Of course in all fairness, these are not Christian people. And true Christians need to open their mouths and put these phonies in check.

Press Coverage of Obama’s LGBT Human Rights Policy Was Muted - It's muted now but the historical perspective of this moment will overcome that.

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  1. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I don’t know where Perry’s been spending his time but I doubt it’s a church and it sure as hell isn’t a mall. At my local shopping center Christmas has been very openly celebrated since early November.

    As for Santorum… What can I say? He’s just a frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex

  2. Let's see if we can follow Perry's logic...Declare war on Gingrich by declaring war on gays. Nope, I can't understand it.
