Monday, December 12, 2011

'NOM's financial records raising questions' and other Monday midday news briefs

NOM’s 2010 financial records raise questions - Read the article in its entirety. It's a major one, especially this part:
Under IRS rules regarding nonprofit entities with 501©3 and ©4 status, all donations above $5,000 must be disclosed. Of the 22 contributions NOM’s (c )4 was obligated to list, all but five were greater than $5,000.

The top five contributions to the National Organization for Marriage, Inc.:


TWO Announces Intent to Sue PFOX As Early as This Week - Uh oh. This ex-gay group may get sued. Go get 'em Truth Wins Out!

AFA's Buster Wilson Calls on MSNBC to "Clean the Stable" of Maddow & O'Donnell - Now we know why Bryan Fischer gets away with so much nonsense.

Iowans Confront Perry At Campaign Event: ‘Why Do You Hate Gay People,’ ‘Go Back To Texas’- Ouch.

Bill Johnson, Former Alabama Governor Candidate, Caught In Lesbian Sperm Donation Scandal - Simply hypocritical.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm obviously not an expert on the relevant laws, but I thought when they were required to disclose the donation, that would include who the person making the donation was as well as the amount.
    Just a foolish assumption on my part?
