Wednesday, January 04, 2012

'Good riddance, Michele Bachmann' and other Wednesday midday news briefs

After Bruising Loss In Iowa, Bachmann Bows Out - I personally never really shared the amusement of Bachmann that my fellow bloggers did. To me, she proved that demagogues come in both sexes. A hateful woman who didn't care if what she said wasn't true and when told of the fact, she doubled down on the lie. Now if only she would leave Congress.

Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire To Endorse Marriage Equality - Not bad at all.

They've tossed more stones than Bedrock's head contractor. Our agenda: Surviving that. - You know for all of the talk coming from the religious right about how "gays have plotted to take over America," I have yet to see any concrete proof from them and I have YET to get any orders from "national gay headquarters."

Florida Appeals Court Rules That Both Lesbian Moms Have Parental Rights - A victory which should not be overlooked.

Proposed Bill Would Permit Christian Students to Bully Gays in Tennessee: VIDEO - Ugh!

Alabama Crimson Tide Site's 'Hey Homeauxs' T-Shirt For Louisiana State University BCS Game Sparks Controversy - This t-shirt is a hot mess and a half.

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1 comment:

  1. Mary O'Grady11:43 AM

    I know that "Hey homeaux" t-shirt was meant to be ugly, but to me it just underlines my impression of many years, that LSU is fabulous! (Seriously, y'all, Baton Rouge is underrated as a city to have a great time in, and the food, especially the catfish, at the LSU student union is just incredibly delicious.)
