Thursday, January 05, 2012

NOM tries to embarrass Congresswoman, gets knocked down by her calm rhetoric

If there ever was a incident which demonstrates the National Organization for Marriage's absolute cluelessness, it would have to be the video above. In it, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, while in Iowa, was asked to respond to the fact that Rick Santorum supports a Federal Marriage Amendment.

NOM featured the video under the title Democrat Party Head: Marriage Amendment Would be "Un-American and Un-Democratic"

I guess the organization was attempting to portray Wasserman-Schultz as "intolerant," but what ended up happening is that NOM gave her a perfect plateau to state her points in a clear and concise manner.

If the attempt was to embarrass Wasserman-Schultz and gain sympathy for their side of the argument, NOM failed miserably.

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  1. John B.4:35 PM

    Whenever the "federal marriage amendment" comes up we need to point out that NOM and their supporters keep saying "let the people vote" but at the same time support a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage... which "the people" would not be able to vote on. Constitutional amendments are proposed by Congress, and if passed by a 2/3 majority, must be ratified by 3/4 of the state legislatures. And guess what? There is no direct vote by "the people" at any stage of this process, and at the end, "the people" of any state would not be ALLOWED to have same-sex marriage, whether by judicial process, by legislative action, or by any direct vote of THE PEOPLE.

  2. Hang on, that was meant to help support NOM's platform? Do they have basic comprehension skills? Why would they even post it when it clearly doesn't serve the purpose they had intended?

  3. I love the way her face lit up when she mentioned the population of her home district.
