Thursday, January 12, 2012

'Religious right can't get rid of discredited researcher' and other Thursday midday news briefs

Family Research Institute: 'Where Gays Cluster, Boys Suffer' - Once upon a time, boys and girls, Paul Cameron was the toast of the religious right. They used his discredited work to prove the case against lgbtq equality until we got savvy enough to point out his myriad of errors. Now the religious right avoid him like the plague. Only he refuses to go away, which is good for us.

Related post: Paul Cameron - why the religious right can't keep him 'in the closet'

Anti-Gay Legal Guns For Hire: How The Right Uses ‘Religious Liberty’ To Fight Discrimination Suits - An excellent piece by Talking Points Memo.

AP: Gay marriage within reach in Wash. Legislature - Sweet!

Native American lesbian elected to Minnesota House - Awesome news coming out of Minnesota.
Unmasked! Anti-LGBT Group Behind Girl Scout Cookie Boycott - And THIS, brothers and sisters, is how the religious right astroturfs a protest.

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  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    My, my, my. The haters of sexual minorities are calling a boycott against Girl Scout Cookies.
    I perpetually fight the Battle of the Bulge, but I am prepared to buy plenty of Girl Scout Cookies in the name of human rights for all. (Wow, I wish all my rationalizations were this easy, satisfying, and delicious.)

  2. i have had heard about the boycotting of girl scout cookies because of accepting transgender kids. it's ridiculous, transgender kids are not someone to be afraid of. i may encourage people to buy the cookies, but i won't because i'm dirt poor.
