Saturday, February 04, 2012

Black gays and lesbians you should know about

I ran these videos a while back but in celebration of Black History Month, they deserve another look:

Theses lists are awesome but there are so many others out there who we need to know about. And let's especially not forget our transgender brothers and sisters. I searched for a suitable video  to represent them but could not find one. If someone knows of one out there, please send it to me and I will post it. No one should be left out of our community or the celebration of our community.

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  1. Michelle12:16 PM

    I enjoyed watching. Wish I could have seen this as a teen.

  2. Just an update on the info. Gordon Fox is now Speaker of the House in RI.

    And I'm not really happy with it to be honest. The bait and switch between marriage equality and the stupid civil unions law we got irks the crap out of me.

  3. Thanks! Important info.

  4. The lists spotlight some amazing people. I would love to see Nhojj on that list - his gay friendly version of Amazing grace on Youtube draws tears, at least from me! And maybe the next version will show Alvin McEwen!

  5. You're a sweetheart, Daniel. I'm flattered ;p
