Tuesday, February 07, 2012

'Brutal attack caught on video underscores that anti-gay violence is NOT funny' and other Tuesday midday news briefs

The next time CNN correspondent Roland Martin feels the need to make fun of anti-gay violence, he should take a look at this video (I apologize for its graphic nature):

According to the GA Voice:

WorldStarHipHop.com posted a video to its website today of an apparent Atlanta street gang beating a man the gang called a “faggot.” The video was posted on the site with the headline, "Dead Wrong: Man Wearing Skinny Jeans Gets Sucker Attacked & G'z Throw a Tire On Him for Being Gay."

“Jack City, no faggots,” a man says at the start of the video. “Jack City” is an apparent reference to a street gang.

The operator of the camera was also heard shouting “No faggots in Jack City, man” at least four times during the beating. The apparent hate crime occurred outside a neighborhood grocery store on McDaniel Street, according to The Smoking Gun website.

There is no indication of when the video was filmed.

In other news:

TODAY: 12th Annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - You can't tell me that there is no link between the violence seen above, Roland Martin's flippant remark about anti-gay violence and how gay black men feel about their own community. These feelings have a way of making them susceptible to negative behaviors which lead to HIV/AIDS.

Baltimore County Residents Decry, Belittle Transgender Nondiscrimination Protections - Same appeal to ridiculous fears. What a load of horsecrap.

White House Condemns Virginia’s Anti-Gay Adoption Bill - Good for the White House!

History hashtagged: The #Prop8 waiting game - The Ninth Circuit Court will make a decision about Proposition 8 today. And when it comes down, I will be at work. But go here to see it as it happens.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I’m not sure what I’m more disturbed by, the video or the racists comments on YouTube.
