Thursday, February 23, 2012

'Ex-gay group sued for defamation' and other Thursday midday news briefs

NJ Governor Chris Christie went on Morning Joe to defend his decision to veto his state's marriage equality law which was just passed by the legislature. He tried to turn his appearance into an attack on President Obama but was taken down a peg by openly gay journalist Jonathan Capehart. See Think Progress for more details about the exchange.

In other news:

Truth Wins Out Files Defamation Lawsuit Against ‘Ex-Gay’ Organization PFOX - This is going to be GOOD. Go get 'em Truth Wins Out!

Santorum opposes civil unions for same-sex couples - Damn, Rick! Would you at least let us have cheese on a Whooper?

Liberian First Lady Jewel Taylor Submits Bill to Make Homosexuality a Felony with 10-Year Prison Term - Well isn't she a sweetheart.

Maryland’s Baltimore County Council Passes Gender Identity and Expression Anti-discrimination Protections - Way to go, Baltimore County!

Pastor Accuses Google, Starbucks and Amazon of 'Doing the Devil's Work' by Supporting Marriage Equality - Okay who told him? Can't anybody in the lgbtq community stop telling our secrets?

Third Suspect Arrested in Brutal Videotaped Atlanta Gay Bashing - Good. Put that SOB under the jail!

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1 comment:

  1. john richards10:52 AM

    Christie is a sack of *beep*. He wants to pretend that he holds a neutral “will of the people” position. But he wants a referendum not to allow marriage equality but rather to amend their constitution to PROHIBT marriage equality. If it doesn’t pass the LGBT community would be no better off than they were before the election; if it does pass they would be worse off. Notice that he was mute on whether or not he would again veto a marriage equality bill if such a referendum failed.
