Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gays compared to pedophilies, necrophiliacs (again?)

It's a two-post morning again. Mercy! After retching over this one, pan down to read  Catholic Charities exploiting children in fight against marriage equality

From an online buddy of mine comes this monstrosity of yet another member of that awful religious right group Concerned Women for America maligning our community again:

Testimony on Feb. 21, in the subcommittee of the Georgia House Judiciary Committee on House Bill 630 (State Fair Employment Practices Act) included comments from Tanya Ditty, state director for the anti-gay Concerned Women of America. Ditty asked committee members to oppose the bill because she believes the bill, among other things, would allow such things as necrophilia, zoophilia and pedophilia:

Ditty is no different than another member of Concerned Women for America, Janice Crouse who last year created a video making all sorts of ugly accusations about the lgbt community.

No doubt folks like Ditty and Crouse will swear that they say these things because they love us.

I can do very fine without love like that. In fact, we all can.

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  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Was looking for a place to comment directly to you versus a post but do not see where. I've noticed your blog is almost solely about sexual orientation and did not see anything concerning the transgender community. Would you please remove the "T" from your posts and title. When you include us in your posts that have nothing to do with the "T", you erase us and make our lives much more difficult to exlain to folks. Thanks for your considerations.

  2. I have NO intentions of eliminating the "T" from my posts or titles. I do include posts on the transgender community. However, as your complaint demonstrates, I could stand to include more info on the transgender community. I will do so in the future ;p
