Monday, February 27, 2012

'Santorum whining about religious persecution' and other Monday midday news briefs

Santorum Embraces the Religious Right's Latest Lie - Give a bigot a shot at getting a presidential nomination and watch him lose his mind.

Vote For Marriage NC courts the 'all gay men need diapers' vote - "Diaper Pastor" Patrick Wooden is heavily involved in the effort to stop marriage equality in North Carolina and Jeremy Hooper has the pictures to prove it. So much for that "intelligent and reasonable" conversation.

Conservatives Livid at Bush-Appointed Judge who struck down DOMA - Geez. What took them so long.

Nebraska Churches Buy Full-Page Ad To Oppose LGBT-Friendly Nondiscrimination Protections - 214 churches are destroying their own integrity here. This is a secular issue having nothing to do with them.

Know Thine Enemy: The Worst Anti-Gay Moments Of The Week, February 19 - February 26 - Last but not least, a hot mess of crazy.

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  1. About time the IRS started looking into the tax-exempt status of these churches.

  2. "Santorum whining about 'religious persecution'"

    Here's my two cents:

    Religious institutions have enjoyed immense priviledges from the US government, and it's at the expense of taxpayers (straight and gay) and equality. Tax money from gays and lesbians helps fund Catholic-run adoption centers that refuse to place children in the homes of gay/lesbian couples solely because they are gay/lesbian couples. People are starting to see how unfair this is.

    Santorum is really obsessing over this separation of church and state. If there is no separation, which rules of a religion or religious sect does the government enforce? Some Chistian sects along with Jews and Muslims observe dietary laws of the OT and the Koran. Shall the federal government ban the sale of pork and shut down all hog farms (bet that would go over just swell in North Carolina, a state considering its own marriage amendment)? Lobster's out of the question too. All those lobstermen in New England will have to find other jobs. Some Catholics won't eat meat on Fridays and still attend confessionals. Imagine the government mandating that all Jews, Muslims, and Protestants do these things. Mandatory Christian prayer in public schools? Sure, why not? Atheists, Buddhists, Hindu, and Shintoists couples with children attending public schools would LOVE the idea.
