Friday, March 16, 2012

'Anti-gay pundit grilled over his homophobia' and other Friday midday news briefs

Glenn Stanton twists, stands by 'particularly evil lie of Satan' quote; justifies #glaadcap - Oh you are going to love reading this. TRUST ME. It's the back-and-forth dialogue I mentioned in this morning's post with Focus on the Family's Glenn T. Stanton. Jeremy Hooper - who took part in it - has a screen shot saved of the entire encounter. For those familiar with old-school professional wrestling, it was akin to an Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard blitz.

BREAKING: Jury convicts Dharun Ravi of hate crime against Tyler Clementi - This just came over the wire.

Focus On The Family Pushing ‘License To Discriminate’ Initiative In Colorado - Please tell us again how lgbtgs are the supposed "real haters."
Hundreds Protest Marriage Inequality Amendment In Raleigh - Meanwhile in NC, the lgbtq community and their allies are GALVANIZED against an awful amendment.

‘It’s not about race’ photo of the day: “Don’t ‘re-nig’ in 2012″ - This makes me ill. I dare anyone to tell me that racism won't play a huge part in the 2012 presidential election.

GLSEN Greater Cincinnati's 'Stories Project: NOW' Aims To Reduce Anti-Gay Bullying In Schools (VIDEO) - I fully support GLSEN. It is one of the best lgbtq organizations out there.

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1 comment:

  1. On Ravi - I have very mixed feelings. I wish I had a better understanding of both sides.
    On the bumper sticker - I think I need to take another blood pressure pill. These people make me furious. How dare they! Disgusting! Vile stupid jerks. Living in a past that should never be forgotten, but should be vilified and cursed.
