Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Anti-gay pundits fearful of being made accountable for ugly comments

Like clockwork, religious right pundits have already begun lying about GLAAD's Commentator Accountability Project:

It's not a surprise because we knew that religious right pundits would falsely claim that GLAAD is trying to silence them. I'm sure as the days go by, we will be hearing more of the false "censorship" angle. I anticipate a full media campaign just like they attempted when SPLC called several of them hate groups.

And it means one thing. These liars are shaking in their boots. Don't let Sprigg's or Barber's false bravado fool you because it's all an act.

 They know that no one is trying to silence them and their whines about censorship is a deliberate attempt to confuse the issue. However, allow me to again post the statement from GLAAD spokesperson Herndon Graddick in regards to the project:

"These activists have the right to recite their anti-LGBT talking points, but it is important to expose the questionable and often hostile rhetoric that passes as punditry when so-called 'experts' speak out against the lives of LGBT people on the air or in print. If networks are going to continue to invite those with incendiary anti-LGBT views on their programs, show runners should know the full picture of who these individuals really are so that critical context can be relayed to the audience."

It's not about censorship. It's about honest debate. If these so-called Christians can repeat some of the nastiest comments about the lgbtq community when amongst those who support them then they should have no problem being questioned on them by the media.

As you can tell,  I am extremely psyched about this project. In fact, I have been psyched about it all day. You need go to this page and do what you can to make the project a success. And here is a little incentive. The following are the folks whom GLAAD have called out for their lies. Click on the names to get more information:

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  1. Yeah iSaid It3:35 PM

    Those headshots -- good many gays in one place. So many closets bursting at the seams.

  2. Bernie3:37 PM

    I know what you mean Alvin. Today I saw that Matt Barber had tweeted to Peter LaBabera, "The homo-fascists have broken out the long knives. Lovely." I called him out for it,"That was a disgusting metaphor." Then he blocked me.

    Such courage, such conviction! I had to laugh.

  3. LOL Bernie!

    Barber blocked me a long time ago after I published a nasty comment he made about gay soldiers during President Obama's State of the Union speech.

  4. Dieter5:07 PM

    OK..I see 36 photos. I also see at LEAST 8 totally gay people, at LEAST 2 who have had babies out of wedlock. At LEAST 4 people with a "gluttony" problem, and at LEAST 50 marriages. Hmmmm. Odd indeed.

  5. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Also, not very diverse, either racially or (based solely on appearance) economically. Rich, white people with nothing to do and nobody to hate except the LGBT people. When even we become completely unacceptable to hate, I wonder who they will aim their venom at.

  6. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I have to say, with the "Orwell much?" comment.

    First off, I've read about everything Orwell wrote. Orwell was no fan of organized religion - he mocked it in his writing quite frequently. and did write a book entitled "I Belong To the Left." Understandably the only thing of his most people encounter is 1984, which doesn't represent him very well, but for the anti-GLBT block to invoke him - they should really read some books.

    If anything, he'd probably look at homophobia today the way he looked at anti-Semitism during his lifetime - a kind of irrationality that can't be addressed with logic or reason, but which can be studied.

  7. What a rogue's gallery of the most reprehensible and repellent people in America.
