Thursday, March 22, 2012

'Bigots pull 'Nazi card' against GLAAD' and other Thursday midday news briefs

Liberty Counsel member and resident anti-gay pundit Matt Barber (seen here not looking very happy - draw your own conclusions) once said:

"It's often said that the first to call the other a Nazi has lost the argument."

With that in mind, let's take a look at two honorary members of Barber's list of argument losers:

AFA's Bryan Fischer:

Linda Harvey:

"Recognize this? Hate branding, focusing on Jews, succeeded in branding them as the “enemy” in public opinion in Nazi Germany. It’s the method used today by Islamic radicals who spread ludicrous fables about Jews in many mosques."

The irony is that Harvey didn't even make GLAAD's list (jealous much, Linda?). However thanks to statements like the one above, her organization, Mission America did make Southern Poverty Law Center's list of anti-gay hate groups.

Gary Bauer latest to acknowledge #glaadcap inclusion, latest to decontextualize phrase 'free speech' - And then there is anti-gay pundit Gary Bauer. While he doesn't pull the Nazi references (give him time,) he does whine about free speech. Check out his list of homophobic statements:

- Pushes inaccurate science: "More importantly, however, the government has an obligation to promote public policy that is best for the general welfare and to discriminate against behaviors that adversely impact society and public health. Tobacco use is heavily regulated by the state and smoking is strongly discouraged. A major study conducted by Oxford University demonstrated that homosexual conduct is three times more deadly than smoking. Homosexual behavior is fraught with adverse health affects. (sic) Again, this is not opinion, but documented medical fact."  (*The researchers behind that Oxford study, conducted at the height of the AIDS crisis, have condemned the way folks like Bauer have twisted their findings)

- Chose the Obama Administration's choice to simply invite gay-headed families to the annual White House Easter Roll as one of the "100 Mistakes, Misstatements and Missteps in Obama’s First 100 Days"

- "Ex-gay" advocacy: "Story after story calls for everything from new hate crimes laws, to same-sex marriage, to pro-homosexual education policies. But policies like these would only compound the tragedy of homosexuality."

Like I said, guys. Own your statements or apologize for them. This censorship whine is old.

In other news:

Michael Heath Returns To Maine - Bad for the religious right. Good for us.

FAMiLY Leader: Gay Behavior Is ‘Personally Harmful And Societally Harmful’ - And naturally, he is offended that a child living in same-sex household has been invited to speak at an area college. After all, these children are not supposed be acknowledged (snark).

State Department Condemns Nobel Prize Winner’s Anti-Gay Remarks - Good for the State Department!

FRC says Kirk Cameron 'simply disagreed' on marriage, on par with Obama; is lying - For one thing, President Obama never called homosexuality destructive. And I have to say this - for someone claiming that they are being "silenced," Cameron seems to be running to every media outlet. I mean actual Christian martyrs showed more dignity at the time of their deaths than THIS bozo.

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1 comment:

  1. Mykelb10:56 AM

    Sorry Matt, It is the conservative movement that is fascist. Note the 14 Traits of Fascism here and refute it if you can:
