Tuesday, March 13, 2012

'Did Maggie Gallagher lie about NOM's affiliation with ex-gay groups?' and other Tuesday midday news briefs

'Protecting marriage' always comes down to 'changing' gays: @MNForMarriage Edition - Maggie Gallagher claims that NOM doesn't push reparative (ex-gay) therapy. However why does Minnesota for Marriage , an organization affiliated with NOM to stop marriage equality in MN, associate with groups which do? According to Jeremy Hooper - the Minnesota Catholic Conference, one of the named coalition partners in the current Minnesota For Marriage push for an anti-gay-marriage amendment is promoting an ex-gay group, Courage, on its webpage. The question is where does NOM stand on this?

Pennsylvania House Committee Pulls Same-Sex Marriage Ban - Excellent news indeed!

HHS weighs accepting men who have sex with men as blood donors - Count on the religious right freaking out over this.

Rick Santorum Prayed with Anti-Gay Pastor Implicated in Cover-up of Child Abuse - But the important thing was that the pastor wasn't gay-friendly, right?

Ted Olson To Rally Against North Carolina Gay Marriage Ban - Awesome news!

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  1. Erica Cook3:33 PM

    In short, Yes.

  2. Kissmagrits4:55 PM

    Why do anti-LGBT organizations lie about gay folks? That can be answered by following the proven advice, "Follow the money".

    In 1988, Scott Lively and Lon Mabon founded Oregon's nasty, anti-gay OCA and began putting hateful initiatives on the ballot. And they were even more busy raising funds from Christianist bigots all over the state.

    But, it soon became obvious that the OCA was the sole family income for the Mabons and, I'm happy to announce, Mr. Mabon and family is still in hiding from a summary judgment that he's never paid.
