Wednesday, March 21, 2012

'Gay soldiers still fighting for their rights' and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Six months after the implementation of DADT, our gay and lesbian servicemen and women are still fighting for rights which they richly deserve:

In other news:

Raleigh N&O on Amendment One: no groundswell of support for the amendment
- Apparently in North Carolina, there is no groundswell for that dreary anti-family amendment.

Gay California Man Begs Obama For DOMA Reprieve To Prevent Husband's Deportation (VIDEO) - Come on President Obama, do the right thing.

Non-shocker of the day: @Vote4MarriageNC deletes perfectly fair discourse - Surprise surprise. NOM fears an open discussion on its blog.

LaBarbera Warns of 'Activist-Minded Homosexuals' and 'Homosexual Activist Rhetoric' Controlling the Media - Can someone please stop telling "Porno" Pete our secrets. You know he can't keep his mouth shut. lol

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1 comment:

  1. They did the same thing with me too. Just tweeted out the pic. I just pointed out that Rep Ellmers was going to vote against the amendment precisely because it would harm existing civil unions and families. (For those that don't know.. Rep Ellmers is an NC representative elected last year from the Tea Party.)
