Wednesday, March 28, 2012

'Maggie Gallagher avoids interview on NOM scandal?' and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Photo: This is how Maggie Gallagher responded to NOM scandal today on MSNBC - Uh oh. I think it's safe to say NOM has realized that it has a BIG problem. Maggie Gallagher did not show up for a booked appearance on MSNBC to discuss the organization's race-baiting scandal. Jeremy says that there is a video forthcoming.

Money Bomb Day 3: Peter LaBarbera pollutes Raleigh to attack ‘dangerous and hateful Sex Radical Dan Savage’ - Batten down the hatches. Porno Pete is coming to North Carolina.

Ellison Denounces National Organization for Marriage - And we have our first - but hopefully not last - member of Congress to denounce NOM's ugly tactics.

Michigan Civil Service Commission Upholds Firing Of Assistant AG Over Anti-Gay Bullying - Glad to hear about the fact that there is some justice in this world.

GOP Leaders Make Mockery Of ‘Religious Freedom’ By Appointing Commissioners Who Advocate Fear Of Others - Well this was smart of Boehner. Appointing Robert George, one of NOM's founders, to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. Just tell me that Boehner has no power to make other appointments.

And finally from Tea Party Jesus comes NOM Jesus:

I didn't create this but I am proud that it links back to my blog. For those offended, there is no need. This is how some pervert Christianity in this country - brazen lies and deceptive tactics backed by an obscenely large amount of money and an evangelical zeal that somehow God overlooks the sins you commit if you commit them in His name.

Those who are true followers of Christ need not be angry at Tea Party Jesus or me. You need to speak up against those pushing this image. And you know who they are.

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  1. Chris9:22 AM

    Why do all these NOMbies claim good Christian values but ignore Christ's own words in Luke chapter 6?

    (Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you; judge not, lest ye be judged)

  2. Love that cartoon! As someone who grew up bible baptist, I'm pretty sure that line about driving a wedge between the blacks and gays is in Mark somewhere. I wish I had time to look. :-)
