Monday, March 19, 2012

'NOM playing the 'gays corrupt children' card again' and other Monday midday news briefs

First, a little comedy for your Monday. I DO NOT condone doing this in front of Tony Perkins, Peter Sprigg, Brian Brown, or Peter LaBarbera (who will probably take pictures). However, in front of a wacky fundamentalist preacher seeking to disrupt college campuses, have at it:

In other news:

NOM's 'elect Storobin' extremism: This time with added element of deception - Batten down the hatches cause NOM is implying the "gays are corrupting children" lie again.

Russia Could Face Backlash Following Passage Of Anti-Gay Propaganda Law - Good. They deserve it.

Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Liberals and Non-Christians to 'Get Out' of America - See what happens when certain people calling themselves Christians boggart the conversation in America regarding religion.

Today: Two #GLAADcap listees discuss 'ex-gay' advocacy, self-victimization - GLAAD's list has the religious right on the run. They are trying to tell the media to avoid it. Hmmmmm. I wonder if Peter Sprigg will mention the tweet I sent him this morning congratulating him on making the list and telling him that I look forward to using it against him.

PhoboQuotable - Linda Harvey - Zany homophobe - and now hate group leader - Linda Harvey earns her stripes.

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  1. Actually, thanks to scum like Terry and Rapture Rick, I feel like I DID get out of America. I'm not sure what this place I'm in really is anymore.

  2. That's Brother Micah!

  3. Creative, strip to shut him up

  4. John Richards12:54 AM

    So seeing a man without his clothes on causes lesbianism? (scratches head) It’s a wonder that there are any heterosexual women at all – they must all be virgins.
