Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Right involves transgender community in new Sandra Fluke attack

By now, EVERYONE has heard and commented on the Rush Limbaugh/Sandra Fluke controversy.

Personally I think that Limbaugh, who was never a nice person anyway, got a bit egotistical and thought he could say anything about anyone, even a college student whose only "offense" was to testify at a Congressional hearing.

His comments sends a chilling message to those private citizens who may testify in the future that if their view does not jive with his or those on the right, they will be investigated and vilified.

We have seen how Limbaugh handles the vilifying part. Now, according to Equality Matters, in an attempt to defend Limbaugh's indefensible comments about Ms. Fluke, the right has targeted her via a 2011 paper she wrote which did nothing more than describe discrimination in employer coverage of transgender medical care.

The conservative Media Research Center’s Stephen Gutowski “discovered” the essay on March 5 and claimed it demonstrated that Fluke “is being sold by the left as something she’s not. Namely a random co-ed from Georgetown law who found herself mixed up in the latest front of the culture war who was simply looking to make sure needy women had access to birth control.” Gutowski claimed Fluke is “pushing some rather radical ideas. Keep that in mind as the left holds her up in the spotlight”

 . . . The MRC post was quickly promoted by right-wing media outlets, including the Drudge Report and Fox Nation:

And then as if by coincidence:

And Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham brought the attack to Fox during this morning’s Fox & Friends:

INGRAHAM: Now we find out there was a law journal article written by this particular woman that seems to indicate that she believes that if you don't pay for sex change operations, gender reassignment, it's called – operations -- you also could be described as a discriminatory employer. So today the pill. Tomorrow sex reassignment surgery, perhaps. And then down the road, what other things should be covered for free?

Equality Matters quickly points out that:

Fluke’s essay is a fairly comprehensive study of various types of employment discrimination against LGBT individuals but, ironically, the one charge that Gutowski chose to highlight as an example of the “radical ideas” that Fluke is “pushing” is not controversial at all.

Check out Equality Matters to read the full post if my condensed one wasn't sufficient enough. But the gist is this - these people are sad. They aren't journalist. They are highly paid wolves who seem to enjoy destroying someone's reputation as if its a high-stakes game of Monopoly.

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  1. You hit the nail on the head, these people are sad. Funny thing is that Ms. Fluke's paper hadn't garnered attention outside the sphere of her university and perhaps law students doing research on employment discrimination until Rush acted the fool publicly. In fact, most Americans weren't even aware that she had testified before some members of Congress until Rush decided to engage in his vile commentary. It wasn't the Left that thrust her into the spotlight it was dumb ass Rush himself. These people are sad and ignorant.

  2. As it stands now, very few insurance companies cover trans related surgeries, even if they are life saving and greatly improving to the self esteem of the worker involved. You'd think they'd love that idea. So, yes, Ms. Fluke is DEAD on with her writings, and I love her all the more now!

    Anyways, this just goes to show what I've been saying for awhile. Somehow we've gone back to trashing women again, but this party loves bashing the gays as often as possible. I have warned, though, that they will come for the trans community next once they lose the popular battle against "teh gayz." You can already see them ramping it up: every trans non-discrimination act becomes a "bathroom bill" and "men in dresses teaching your kids." It will only get worse until the general population catches up.
