Thursday, April 05, 2012

NOM won't stop exploiting African-Americans and lying about it

When an organization has been discovered to be deliberately exploiting hostilities between the gay and black communities on the subject of marriage equality, will that group:

a. deny that the allegation is true

b. say that the allegation is true while apologizing

c. claim that the discovery of the allegation is a plot while continuing to attempt to play the gay and black community like pawns, this time in a fundraising appeal.

The organization in question is the National Organization for Marriage, so you can guess the answer, And if you can't, the following photo posted on NOM's blog today should give you a clue:

It's a big turn from what former NOM head Maggie Gallagher said last night during a debate at Washington and Lee University in Virginia against gay author Andrew Sullivan:

Gallagher insisted that while the language in the memos was inappropriate, NOM’s racial strategies were acceptable.

“What NOM has actually done is go across the country and reach across lines of race, party, and color and religion to work with people who believe marriage is the union of a husband and wife for a reason,” Gallagher said.  “I don’t think that’s a racist or unethical strategy at all.”

Gallagher also said she didn’t like the language in the memos because it suggested that minority leaders only opposed gay marriage because of NOMs efforts.

I think it’s disrespectful to the African and Hispanic leaders who have stood up because they oppose gay marriage in fights across the country,” Gallagher said. “For us to suggest that they are doing so as a result of being manipulated by white, suburban, Republican girls like me [is wrong].”

Don't let Gallagher's sad talking points fool you. Remember the wording of the documents:

“The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks — two key Democratic constituencies,” reads one document. “Find, equip, energize and connect African American spokespeople for marriage; develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots. No politician wants to take up and push an issue that splits the base of the party. Fanning the hostility raised in the wake of Prop 8 is key to raising the costs of pushing gay marriage to its advocates and persuading the movement’s allies that advocates are unacceptably overreaching on this issue. Consider pushing a marriage amendment in Washington D.C.; Find attractive young black Democrats to challenge white gay marriage advocates electorally.”
Gallagher continues to play this paragraph off like a minor blip, an unfortunate choice of words. But it's much more. There are too many words in this paragraph for it to be looked upon as a minor blip. Those words outline a deliberate strategy.

And every time Gallagher opens her mouth in a sad attempts to soothe shock over this, she only makes it worse.  She claims that NOM's goal  was to "go across the country and reach across lines of race, party, and color and religion to work with people who believe marriage is the union of a husband and wife for a reason."

If that was truly the goal, then words or phrases which denotes "togetherness" and "unity" would have been in the document.

Instead, the document talked about "wedges" and "fanning hostility."

It is insulting to think that African-American leaders or any leaders of any ethnicity can be manipulated. And Gallagher and NOM should be ashamed of themselves for attempting the manipulation.

Hat tip to Jeremy Hooper.

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