Thursday, May 10, 2012

Barney Frank vs. Tony Perkins on Hardball. It was good!

The following video is openly gay Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) debating Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council on Hardball about Obama's support of marriage equality.

It was good:

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  1. Erica Cook4:06 PM

    Comparing same sex marriage to no fault divorce and saying no fault divorce cause the brake down in marriage ignores so many things. As the sister of a single mother and victim of things I won't say because I don't have her permission I'd say those divorces are highly necessary. There biological dad is no one you'd want around children. The man who is now in their life is a far far better role model. Did it ever occur to them that people divorce more because they're just lazy. You want to improve marriage change the requirments for marriage. And if people want to cohabitate without a marriage that's their own damned business.

  2. The study quoted says children do better in a family with two parents.

    Someone needs to come up with the definitive response to the phrase "redefine marriage." It is a catchphrase, and we do not fight it back.

  3. Good lord that was a thing of beauty. Between Matthews and Soledad OBrien it seems Perkins time of being handled with kid gloves has expired.

  4. Bernie Keefe aka OneOfThe Watchers8:39 PM

    Chris and Barney wiped the freakin floor with Miss Perkins.

  5. It was good to see Matthews spank Perkins. And Barney Frank held his own too and in fact made Perkins look like the ass that he is.

  6. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Diane Phillipa says..That was a joy to watch. Seeing Tony Perkins being put on the spot Yeah!!!!

  7. Perkins won't be able to sit down for a week.

  8. Love it! Matthews and Frank scored a major smackdown! About time to see Perkins and his ilk put on the defensive.

  9. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Two points, but a comment first. By Perkins' way of thinking any married parent who loses their spouse to death or divorce should have their children taken away immediately and given to a married couple, any couple I guess as long as they have that piece of paper. And any couple that does not or cannot have children should not be married because breeding is the only reason for marriage.

    One) I'm no scholar but I've been reading since I could but the letters C-A-T together in a word, and my interests have been eclectic. Marriage, the way we have it today, has only been in place for a few generations, 5 or 6 at the most. Just a few score decades ago marrying for love, choosing your own partner was just not done. Marriage by God was often a way to join 2 wealthy families together, with the wife having children as quickly as possible to carry on the family (corporation) line. And the husband could have mistresses, or maybe even 'special' male friends, as long as he kept the wife knocked up. THAT was the way God wanted it then, and the thought of a son or daughter from these families choosing their own spouse was shocking.

    Two) I don't know how many children Perkins has or what their ages are, but I bet at least one of them turns out to be gay, keeping him/herself in the closet and miserable knowing that their father's love is conditional to them hiding what they are, staying in an unwanted marriage and pumping out grandbabies. Or maybe Perkins is the one that's hiding?
