Monday, June 25, 2012

'NOM spending $2 million in NY to overturn marriage equality' and other Monday midday news briefs

Conservatives target Republicans who back gay marriage: 'You could lose your career' - Long story short - the National Organization for Marriage is funneling $2 million in New York in an effort to repeal its marriage equality law. Now that's just mean.

 UPDATE: Discriminating Reception Hall Employee Resigns - Good answer to my Friday question. Managers should not be protected for their so-called personal religious beliefs against marriage equality if the business supports marriage equality.

  School board hopeful attends anti-gay church - Just imagine a school board member in Fred Phelps's back pocket.  

A tempest in my soul: A son's secret brings a Southern Baptist minister to his knees - How his son's death and the aftermath made a Southern Baptist minister an advocate for love and acceptance. 

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  1. Anti-Gay seems to be too timid a description to apply to Westboro. The Catholic and Baptist churches are anti-gay. Westboro is something else again.

    The problem is, I have a hard time finding an adjective that is more accurate, and my vocabulary is hardly limited.

    Any suggestions?

  2. NOM is threatening New York Republicans who supported marriage equality?

    This is the same NOM that constantly talks about how LGBT people are trying to "bully" people into agreeing with them.

    This is the same NOM that holds up people like Marjorie Chrisoffersen and Elaine and Carrie Preejan as brave souls ruined by the mean gay activists who felt there should be consequences to their actions to hurt gay people.

    The irony would be rich if it wasn't so disgusting.
