Tuesday, July 10, 2012

'Maggie Gallagher called out for her many lies' and other Tuesday midday news briefs

An Open Letter To Maggie Gallagher - Pay attention those wanting to calling NOM's Maggie Gallagher out for her MANY lies. DO NOT attack her personally. THIS is how you do it. A sweet snippet:
When organizations that you have been key in guiding like the National Organization for Marriage plan to encourage children of gay parents to speak out against them, you hurt real families. When NOM planned to divide this country based on race, you hurt an even wider audience, opening wounds that are yet to heal and go back hundreds of years. Your words, however civil on their face, create fear, division, and distrust. When the affiliated Ruth Institute publishes snippets of essays by anti-gay folks like Michael Brown, and then link to stories hinting at gay men being pedophiles, you knowingly foment the prejudices of others far less "civil" than you. This is uncivil. This is monstrous.

You're like those sweet little ladies from Arsenic and Old Lace. So charming... and yet serving up poison in their tea. Their behavior was monstrous too.

 Does Gay Mean White? - This is a conversation our community needs to have.

 Catholic Church in Scotland Declares War on Marriage Equality - Not surprising.  

Pettiness Of Minnesota Marriage Inequality Amendment Evident In Dispute Over Its Title - Looks like the anti-marriage equality forces in Minnesota are having problems. 

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  1. The difference between Maggie and the aunties from "Arsenic and Old Lace" - They didn't know any better, which makes Maggie even worse.

  2. Pope Bandar bin Turtle9:20 PM

    You're like those sweet little ladies from Arsenic and Old Lace. So charming... and yet serving up poison in their tea. Their behavior was monstrous too.

    I blame this on Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal.

    Or, perhaps Abby Brewster was still overwhelmed at her experience of seeing Harvey.

  3. Does Gay Mean White? The post and the HuffPost video are important, but the discussion was shallow and devoid of facts. Just opinions. I've seen a number of forums with this topic - most recently on the Adam4Adam blog. It is a necessary and important topic. There are many ways to approach it, and a continued educational process is needed among all members of the LGBTQI communities. We need to find a balance among inclusion of voices, voicing of grievances, embracing of diversity, righting wrongs, acknowledging that we are all human and no one will perfectly match anothers' ideology, goals, aspirations, hopes and dreams, and more. I loved the videos after the DC marriage equality was passed - just based on the population of DC, most of the videos I saw were of African American couples. They weere beautiful to view. In the Huffpost video, it sounds like marriage not the main LGBTQI equality issue outside of white men - maybe not, but it is important for everyone. Without marriage, coparenting is more complicated and less safe for the families and children, custody is a more complicated issue, medical benefits don't go to partners, inheritance rights are violated, and more. It's complex. All voices should be heard. Accusation and grievance may be part of it, but when there is criticism, critics should offer alternative goals, approaches, or visions - not just the passive-aggressive "you are not meeting my needs".
