Thursday, July 26, 2012

NOM's Ruth Institute quietly acknowledges how dumb it is

The National Organization for Marriage's Ruth Institute does have a degree of shame.

Yesterday, I wrote a post on how a Facebook group I help to moderate was accused by the organization using Sesame Street characters Ernie and Bert to "recruit" children:

The claim by the Ruth Institute was nonsense and those in the Facebook group got a good laugh over it. As a matter of fact, it was so hilarious that some of us felt that we needed to go to the Ruth Institute Facebook post which made the claim to tell the organization how we appreciate the laugh.

Apparently our thank you's (none of which were threatening or obscene) wasn't appreciated because the post has been taken down.

Shucks. Oh well at least I will have the memories. I am very proud in particular of the message which I left:

"As one of the moderators of the Facebook site you have accused of using Bert and Ernie to seduce children, I have one thing to say to the Ruth Institute - 'y'all stupid.' In addition, if you pardon my French - Y'all need Jesus."

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  1. Anonymous4:44 AM

    I can still see the post ?

  2. Ogre 14:57 AM

    I do recall many years ago that when a particular evangelistic preacher accused Bert and Ernie of "homosexual tendencies" (say that with a deep southern accent) that Sesame Street's reaction was akin to..."They're puppets you moron."

  3. They put up a new one, apparently this time warning people,
    "Brand new comment policy: if you come onto the page and criticize how we run it, your comment will be deleted and you will be banned. Comments must remain on topic."

  4. They put it up again. This time adding, "Brand new comment policy: if you come onto the page and criticize how we run it, your comment will be deleted and you will be banned. Comments must remain on topic."

  5. Richard Quadling6:20 AM

    Oh oh! Can we show that we get banned by NOM? I want a badge that says "I've been banned by NOM!".
