Monday, July 16, 2012

'Religious right blaming gays for Penn State child abuse scandal' and other Monday midday news briefs

As these items from People for the American Way's Right Wing Watch demonstrate, the religious right care less about the children harmed in the Penn State tragedy than they care about blaming it on the gay community: 

Fischer: Lesson from Penn State is to Keep Gays Out of the Boy Scouts  

Sandy Rios: Child Abuse is tied to 'Homosexual Recruitment' 

Linda Harvey: LGBT-Inclusive Schools Facilitate Child Abuse 

In other news (if your stomach hasn't given out on you from reading the above mess):

 The latest weapon in our Homosexual Agenda™: The 'Ice Age' movies, of course - A good reason why we call Joseph Farrah's online publication World NUT Daily.

Seattle Shop Supports Marriage Equality Campaign Selling Gay Cupcakes - This is pretty cool.  

Professional anti-gay Matt Barber: the NAACP has been brainwashed by ‘white sexual anarchists’ - Matt Barber is as crazy as stir-fried cat poop. 

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  1. I could listen to the ignore video because of the ignorance that was being communicated. Sandusky was a pedophile that lived as a heterosexual male. He didn't identify with the LGBT Community because he was lived as a straight male that was a pedophile. There is a difference.

    1. Greg B.12:52 PM

      And let's not forget that the men who aided and abetted Sandusky by mishandling the situation and/or blatantly covering up the abuse (Paterno, McQueary, et. al.) were/are heterosexual.

  2. Alvin - Sorry, My stomach would not allow me to read any of this crap this morning. I don't know how you maintain your sanity.

  3. Rob P9:33 AM

    The thing that Bryan Fischer doesn't get is that the Boy Scouts' ban on gay scout masters would not have stopped Jerry Sandusky from being a scout master.

  4. I could NOT listen to the ignorant video because of the misinformation that was being communicated. Sandusky was a pedophile that lived as a heterosexual male. He didn't identify with the LGBT Community because he was lived as a straight male that was a pedophile. There is a difference.

    Please forgive the errors that were made in the previous posting.

  5. Mykelb10:12 AM

    I cannot wait to emigrate to a society that has an educated populace.

  6. Erica Cook11:49 AM

    This guy would blame gays for the extinction of the dinosaurs if he could.
