Friday, August 03, 2012

Gays have more support than those pushing homophobia

The more I think about it, the more I am starting to realize that after the immediate reaction of the "Chick-Fil-A" Appreciation day goes over, the restaurant is going to realize just how deep of a mess it got itself into.

I don't envision seeing crowds lining up to support Chick-Fil-A on a daily basis, but I DO envision seeing members of the gay community withholding their dollars from the company.

One thing I can tell you about us gays is that when we hold a grudge against a company which has wronged us, we DO NOT let it go.

I know of some gay men who STILL will not drink orange juice because of Anita Bryant.

Seriously though, while this "chicken unpleasantness" has become a cultural moment,  let's not get discouraged with the thought of those companies who will not support us and gives money to groups wanting to take away our equality.

Let's remember the companies who do support us:

Feel free to give your dollars to those businesses.

Related post - Simple answers to the questions about the Chick-Fil-A boycott

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  1. Sydney6:21 AM

    And also Amazon!

  2. RE: "I don't envision seeing crowds lining up to support Chick-Fil-A on a daily basis, but I DO envision seeing members of the gay community withholding their dollars from the company."

    My thoughts exactly Alvin! They had one good day because all the bigots jumped at the chance to freely get their bigot on in public, but check this out: Their QSR consumer perception score has dropped 40% since Cathy's "guilty as charged" quote went viral (link below). CFA has always enjoyed being in the upper tiers of the index for many years—so this has got to sting. Wonder if he regrets opening his yap now (even if he doesn't admit it out loud).

    Keep up the good work, your efforts are appreciated!

  3. Also want to mention Supervalu, which has a 100 percent rating with the HRC. I am proud to say I work for one of the grocery store chains they own, and that they always have a booth at my local Pride festival. :-D

  4. BabyRaptor3:32 PM

    Wow. Thanks for posting that...I had no idea Coke was pro-gay.

    My grandparents disowned me for my sexuality at 19 and haven't spoken to me since. (Bigger deal than it sounds, since they raised me.) My grandfather was a sales manager for Coke, and absolutely loves the product and his job.

    So there's some therapeutic irony there for me.

  5. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Baby Raptor,

    Sorry about the situation with your grandparents. They sound like real assholes. I would disown
    them right back if I were you because no on deserves to be related to such hateful morons.
    You can always find another elderly
    couple to view as grandparential
    figures who will love and accept you for who you are. Fuck your
    grandparents. Hopefully your
    grandfather will choke on his Coca-Cola as punshiment for his homophobic attitudes towards you.
    It is better not to associate with
    homophobes, religious idiots or negative asshats or bigots of any kind. I wish you and your boyfriend or husband all the luck
    in the world and hope that both of you have a fulfilling romantically
    active and sexually active relationship together as two gay men should.
