Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Teabagger - Obama secretly a gay slut who likes bathhouses

Sometimes you something so bizarre that it makes you speechless. The following counts as at least 20 of those times.

From the Huffington Post:

The right wing Tea Party author and conspiracy theorist who last month suggested that Obama might be secretly gay is at it again, this time citing both a Chicago-based ex-gossip columnist and an investigative journalist who are making similar claims about the president.

Jerome Corsi, who, despite his books sales is not a credible author, spoke with Kevin DuJan in a new article for WND. DuJan, who reportedly worked as a gossip columnist in Chicago during Obama's years as a community organizer and an Illinois senator, alleges that the president was actively involved in the city's gay bar and bathhouse scene.

"It was preposterous to the people I knew then to think Obama was going to keep his gay life secret,” DuJan, who describes himself as "conservative, Christian gay man" on his website, is quoted as saying.
Suggesting that the president's closeted life "would have to come out just like John Edwards’ secrets came out," DuJan says that Obama is "homosexual" as opposed to bisexual, and went on to note: "If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories. Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys."

You can read Corsi's full article here

Now before you start laughing, I am going to tell you something which may depress you:

For his lies, someone is paying Corsi more than a lot of us make in a year . . . combined.

It's like that old say - God sometimes demonstrates what he thinks of money by who He chooses to give a lot of it to.

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  1. The only people who would care don't like him to begin with.
    I have to believe most of the people voting for him could care less if he was gay or not. I don't.

    I have to say I have never seen a President look at, dance with, or hold hands like a man in love with his wife before Obama.

  2. Wow - I read his site - really stupid... embarrassingly stupid...

  3. Ciana5:06 PM

    LOL I've been reading crap like this since before the election four years ago. It was in Globe or one of those tabloids. Larry Somebody was allegedly Obama's gay lover and was going to write a book about their relationship before Michelle threatened to ruin the publisher (or something to that effect).

    I agree with BJ... for a gay man, Barack sure seems to be in love with his wife, doesn't he?

  4. Linnea7:39 PM

    This idiot again?! He needs to go back into his cave and just stay there.

    And BJ and Ciana, you've got it right.

  5. Purple Rose9:17 PM

    Just as with the accusations of Obama being Moslem, it doesn't -- and shouldn't -- matter. I support him and fear the alternative.

  6. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Well lets see...Obama's a muslim.
    okay, that didn't work, lets try Obama's a socialist. nothing...
    okay, Obama's gay!!!
