Tuesday, November 06, 2012

President Obama wins re-election, Tammy Baldwin makes history

They said it couldn't be done, but guess what . . . President Barack Obama just won another term as president.

Through all of the hatred and nonsense, through all of the lies and the disrespect, Obama forged forward to help the country and now the country has shown its appreciation by giving him another term.

It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy! And I am so glad he won.

But I would be remiss if I talked only about President Obama.

Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin has become the first lgbt ever to be elected to the United States Senate.

Now as for the initiatives in Minnesota, Maine, Maryland, and Washington State regarding marriage equality, votes are still be tabulated, but we are ahead. I will talk about that tomorrow morning. But for now, let's just bask in these two awesome moments in history.

Editor's note - Karl Rove is whining and hinting about a recount but if you ask me, it's probably because he fears going back to those funders he took millions of dollars from and explaining why he wasted their money.

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  1. Julia8:55 PM

    Bottoms up! Cheers!

  2. Brilliant speech, brilliant night, 4 states voted, not "forced", voted, in gay marriage.

    Damn proud to be an American right now.

    On another note, always love reading your articles Alvin, best writing on the blog-o-sphere.

  3. Thank you, frozen prince ;p
