Friday, January 04, 2013

'Christian' groups play defense for refusal to help Hurricane Sandy victims

Yesterday's news cycle was dominated by how Republicans in the House of Representatives didn't vote on a relief package for the states struck by Hurricane Sandy and how several folks - including New Jersey Governor Chris Christie - wasn't exactly happy about it.

The Hurricane Sandy controversy even got play with religious right groups, but not how you think it would. The American Family Association's radio program played host to Rep. Tim Huelskamp, (R-KS) who said he found no reason for a bill to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy:

And then the Family Research Council, in its recent Washington Update said the following about helping the victims of Hurricane Sandy:

While some Congresses have the luxury of easing into their new jobs, this one does not. Thanks to all the unfinished business from the 112th, these freshmen will be thrown into the deep end of America 's economic crises before they can even unpack their boxes. The first test for freshmen is the Sandy relief package, which the House postponed when it realized that the package was as flooded with pork as New Jersey homes were with water. Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) took a lot of heat, most noticeably from Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.), for refusing to fast-track a bill that uses hurricane victims as an excuse to pass almost $40 billion in government waste. 

Isn't it sad and fascinating that these organizations raise holy hell about something Jesus never mentioned (homosexuality) but becomes blase about something He heavily endorsed (helping those in need).

Such is the priorities of some tenets of American Christianity.

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