Wednesday, January 09, 2013

NOM figure wants to dictate the usage of sperm to have children

The most annoying thing about some religious right figures is that they think their religion gives them the right to determine how people can create families. Case in point, Jennifer Morse of NOM's Ruth Institute. Just listen to this tirade and wonder what was girlfriend smoking before she opened her mouth:


  1. Anonymous3:11 PM

    OK... I'm adopted. I'm not a product of "love", I'm a product of pure, unadulterated LUST & I LIKE that about me.


  2. crissy3:19 PM

    She has not only taken her (one) eye off the ball she has lost the ball altogether.

  3. threenorns3:34 PM

    methinks she needs two balls, one on either side of her nasal passage, to fix what's wrong with her.

  4. Anonymous3:36 PM

    This woman seems to have the same unhealthy fixation with the intimate activities of strangers that is rampant in the world of anti-gay bigots. And they dare to call us perverted!

  5. I find it somewhat humorous that stuff like this always comes out of people no one wants to have sex with in the first place.

  6. She is a Christian supremacist. She believes her church's view is the only one that matters and that everyone should be compelled to abide bt it, even if they are not members of her faith. We live in a pluralistic nation that affords us both the freedom of religion, and also freedom from religion, or the "tyranny of faith" What she is proposing is essentially that the tyranny of faith should be mandatory.

  7. Anonymous6:44 PM

    So - what am I to do if I am sterile? If it comes down to the fact I cannot father children, should I urge my wife to go have sex with another man? Are you telling me it is wrong of me to go support my wife at a fertility clinic and purchase sperm of a man (who has been screened and shares similar likeness to me) so that we may have a child together...?

  8. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I thought god was omnipotent and in control of everything? If that's true how can we be defiling gods plan?

  9. Anonymous9:50 PM

    God is perfect, all knowing and all seeing. Therefore, everything that happens is with God's complicity. Plus human beings are unable to understand God's infinite wisdom. So all the folks who claim to understand God or speak for God are just egotistical nitwits who need to stop trying to figure out God (He who is beyond all underatanding) and try to figure out why the manipulation of God;s creation is their primary life goal.

  10. Anonymous12:37 AM

    I was a product of artificial insemination. Sucks for me I guess, I'm subhuman now? My parents are subhuman? My mother is one of the biggest psycho religious nutter I know (personally). So I'm not sure how this... Oh ya, "all fall short of the GLORY of the LORD"... even the dopes who wrote it.
