Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Outtakes - The images I couldn't put in 'How They See Us'

My booklet, How They See Us: Unmasking the Religious Right War on Gay America, is very popular on Scribd. It has already gotten close to 59,000 reads and embedded views as well as 558 downloads.

Not bad for a little over a week.

So in celebration, I thought I would share some outtakes. The following images are the clips I didn't use from the book Deathstyle (if you read my booklet, you would know what Deathstyle is) because I felt they were so comical that they would distract from the seriousness of How They See Us.

Remember that horror movie which proclaimed "tell yourself it's only a dream."  Well in the spirit of that, when looking at these images, tell yourself "someone thought that these were true facts about gays. Some still do:"


  1. Unfortunately I still know quite a few people who spout this nonsense...although I have to admit I've never seen it in comic form. I have an urge to both cry and laugh.

  2. This thing really is a parody of itself.

    My favorite's still the last part of this page:
    Out of context, you have to assume it's making fun of the incredibly obvious hypocrisy... but it's not. The joke is that the guy's an idiot, but he's presented as being in the right.
