Friday, February 22, 2013

'NOM teams up with anti-gay hate group for march' and other Friday midday news briefs

NOM joins forces with Family Research Council, undeniable anti-LGBT animus - The era of the Maggie Gallagher passive-aggressive homophobia is officially over for the National Organization for Marriage. And let's not forget one of the many statements made by FRC about lgbts:

Philly Archbishop To Bus Parishioners To NOM Hate March On SCOTUS - And unfortunately, some members of the Catholic Church will be busing people in.

And what are we doing to counter it? This, which I fully support!
Pope Benedict XVI Resigned Partly Because Of Powerful Vatican Gay Lobby, Italian Paper Claims - I definitely missed the memo from national headquarters on this one. 

 Scott Lively Finds More 'Proof' That Obama is Gay, Having an Affair with Reggie Love - That Scott Lively! Always good for a laugh!


  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Interesting that the overwhelming majority of people engaging in Sodomy (and considered illegal under the Texas law) were Heterosexual.

  2. This ad is so great: preach the TRUTH about the hate!
