Thursday, March 14, 2013

O'Reilly capitulates after harassing openly gay legislator

Apparently, there seems to be an ever so small degree of journalism integrity in Bill O'Reilly's ever so small conscience which led him to make the following statement after harassing openly gay Colorado legislator Rep. Mark Ferrandino.

O'Reilly had spent several segments of his show implying that Ferrandino was protecting pedophiles, causing many folks to cry "foul."



 O’REILLY: I have to report the truth here. First truism, homosexuality has nothing to do with the crime of pedophilia. Second, everyone we report on is defined and that guy is proud of his circumstance and promotes it, so we reported it. 

Even as he admits that homosexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia, O'Reilly still tries to give himself a lifeline. Equality Matters isn't having it. The site slightly reminds folks of the time in which he did conflate pedophilia with homosexuality:

O’Reilly’s explanation for his attacks still doesn’t pass the smell test, but it’s at least an improvement from when he openly defended linking homosexuality to pedophilia last summer.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Yeah, yeah, "If I have done anything wrong, then I apologize."

