Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Today is the day. Let's not stop

What will happen today and tomorrow at the Supreme Court and at rallies around the nation?

I don't know. I am hopeful that we will prevail. I believe that we will prevail. I have certainly prayed over it a few times. Yes I prayed. No one group owns the patent on prayer and I suspect that I am not the first lgbt who has prayed over a decision which will affect his/her life.

 But this I do know.

We have come a long way and we ain't stopping now, regardless of what happens. We must never stop until full equality is ours.


  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Everyone is equal and has the right to get married
    Thats what I believe
    That video actually made me slightly emotional
    And I am a straight for gay rights
    I support you :)
    Ive been following your posts for a while now and hopefully soon everyone is equal

  2. We gay folks have taken every loss in peaceful stride. We will do so again. We cannot lose on "this" case -- for this is one of many to come -- if they rule against us now, like in Bowers ages ago, then we shall get a Lawrence to come soon for us. In a strange way, America likes underdogs -- and we are the most under of any dog that ever barked in this nation. We shall overcome, we shall prevail -- and not because of politics and law -- but because we shall turn to our families, friends and coworkers, and they will change their minds. For that's what the entire gay debate has been since the 1950s -- changing people's minds. In the president's word: "Evolving."
    Yes, the nation is evolving; alas, the impossible takes a little longer.

    You are right, though, there is no going back. We are like toothpaste out of the tube -- there's no putting us back in. It'll take another 20 years, but well, the light is on at the end of the tunnel. I can't worry.
