Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Anti-gay group mocks 'coming out of the closet' in a hideously bad video

If homophobes are constantly complaining about being unfairly labeled as "bigots," when why do they make it so easy? Allow Right Wing Watch to tell you about the above monstrosity:

Stooping to a new low, Janet Porter’s Faith 2 Action is mocking the process of gay people coming out by releasing a video of a man revealing to his family that he is an adulterer and demanding affirmation.

Naturally, it ends with a clip from Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality comparing homosexuality to alcoholism.

This is the latest in a series of hideously piss poor homophobic videos coming from Porter. Remember the past hits such as:

The Criminalization of Christianity:

And Don't Homosexualize The Boy Scouts:

One more thing you should know about Porter. In 1998, she was head of a national religious right campaign which sought to persuade Americans that homosexuality was a choice which one could allegedly "walk away from." The campaign focused largely on the visibility of a man named John Paulk who claimed that he was once gay but was presently happily married and heterosexual.

Today, Paulk has issued an apology for his involvement in that campaign and the ex-gay movement at large. Meanwhile, Porter has dropped down to making triple z-level videos so bad that famed director Ed Wood would have disavowed them.

Don't you just love kismet?


  1. YIKES!!! Where do you start? Pure ignorance! Pure stupidity! Pure hypocracy! Pure joke! Who do they possibly think they could be fooling? Gays make the best Christians as they are without judgement...or at least to these me from people who call themselves Christian and then do everything agaings it...

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Stooping to a new low, Janet Porter’s Faith 2 Action is mocking the process of gay people coming out by releasing a video of a man revealing to his family that he is an adulterer and demanding affirmation.

    How did they get Mark Sanford to appear in their video when he's busy losing an election?

  3. "Homosexuality is like alcoholism?"

    You can safely operate heavy machinery while under the influence of Gay.
