Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Irony of homophobia escapes Catholic priest

Witness logic turned on its head. With the shift to a positive view of marriage equality gripping the nation, suddenly those who oppose it are portraying themselves as the victims of intolerance even as they denigrate same-sex couples and families. Witness a short clip of this interview from Fox News

As much as interviewer Megyn Kelly tried to give him cover, Father Gerald Murray still made himself look like a hypocrite:

Maybe it's just me but reducing someone's relationship right off the bat to sin is bigotry. It astounds me with what chutzpah these individuals employ to distort with a straight face.


  1. I read tons of gay related news from major gay news and blogs.
    I do not see where we have called them bigots or are attacking them for their religious beliefs outside of them trying to impose them on our government.
    Just who is attacking or denying the Catholic Church their rights?
    They have the right to not marry anyone already. They can do or say what they want anywhere. The only thing they can not do is use public funds then discriminate against us or anyone else.
    They can run an adoption service with their own funds and discriminate all they want.
    I just don't understand how or why they feel attacked.
    He has the right to think and believe that we should not marry but that should have nothing to do with government or law.

  2. "Maybe it's just me but reducing someone's relationship right off the bat to sin is bigotry. It astounds me with what chutzpah these individuals employ to distort with a straight face."

    Only two possibilities. Either he really believes it, or he is covering the tracks to his own closet.
