Thursday, April 25, 2013

NOM's Brian Brown not happy about marriage equality in Rhode Island

Yesterday, the Rhode Island Senate passed a marriage equality bill. The bill now goes back to the House where it will be voted on again - a mere formality - and from there it will go to Governor Lincoln Chaffee who has said he will sign it.

Naturally, Brian Brown from the National Organization for Marriage is vocal about his disappointment:

"Lawmakers have allowed themselves to be fooled into thinking they have protected people of faith when in fact they have put those who believe in true marriage in the crosshairs of the law and gay 'marriage' activists. It won't be long before the repercussions begin to be felt."

 . . . "For the first time, the state of Rhode Island is saying to its children they do not deserve both a mother and a father, and are backing a law that is designed to intentionally deprive some kids of either a mom or a dad," Brown said. "It's bad enough when families break down through divorce or death, but it's unconscionable when a state encourages this through policies that deprive children of the love of both a mother and a father. This is a very sad day for Rhode Island."

Same old arguments, same old lies. That's the thing about using the same old arguments. Sooner or later, folks recognize how empty they are and begin to turn against them.


  1. So it would be best for children to NOT have 2 loving parents? This guy is INSANE!!!

  2. "For the first time, the state of Rhode Island is saying to its children they do not deserve both a mother and a father, and are backing a law that is designed to intentionally deprive some kids of either a mom or a dad," Brown said.
    I'm confused. This is a bill about marriage. The way he (and NOM) talk, it sounds like they're against single parents.
    Ironic as the co-founder made her start as being a Single Parent advocate.

  3. It's interesting how they've shifted their argument to 'every child deserves a mom and a dad': they know any more direct assault on gay people will come with too much blow back.

    But if Rhode Island is like most states, single people can foster and adopt kids... meaning the state has ALREADY decided that one loving parent is better than none-- in other words, the 'mom and a dad' ship has already sailed.
